Tuesday, January 19, 2010

South Bay Club update

Fellow South Bay Club owners,

This is an update of what has been going on at the South Bay Club since last month. A lot has been uncovered by the new board. I will explain some of what has occurred. There is much more to add but I will save those details for future blogs postings.

To start: Our manager Norman and our “facility manager” Richard have been let go. These two individuals are either completely incompetent or criminally culpable for some of the atrocities that have occurred recently at the SBC.

Richard: Richard should have been fired last year by the previous board. He was caught breaking in to a resident’s apartment (with the key that was left in the office by the owner for emergencies) and cooking himself a meal in their kitchen - without permission. He should have been fired immediately, but he was saved from termination from his friends on the board – most notably Mark Saracino. (PH-04 and PH-08) who hired Richard and brought him into the South Bay Club – I believe to perpetrate a scam against the residents of the SBC that would have cost us millions in a massive special assessment that does not appear to be needed to nearly the extent that these individuals where telling us (stay tuned for those details).

Richard said that he was hired to get bids and find contractors for work that needs to be done around our building. Doesn’t that seem strange that we hire a guy to get bids for us? He was not capable of completing the simplest of handyman tasks, in house. You will all be outraged when I detail for you the level of incompetence (or fraud).

Richard has been obstructing the new board and working to prevent them from making progress. There is too much to detail in one blog entry so I will itemize some of the alarming things that are being uncovered, in a future blog.

Richard could not produce bids for most of the recent work done at the SBC, nor ANY work for the current 40-year re-certification needs. The few bids he could provide were all from contractors that he recommended “from previous working relationships”. Never from an “outsider”. Most work had only the one bid, or none at all. He could not provide the board with three current bids for ANYTHING. The new board has asked for these bids and the status on projects since they were elected last Month. Many of these items have still not been provided. FYI: Richard was put “in place” at the South Bay Club by Mark Saracino. More details to follow.

Norman was also found to be grossly incompetent. I believe he is either the dumbest person in America or a crook. It has to be one or the other – when you understand the facts. The same goes for Richard, Mark Saracino. Greg Johnson, Eddie Martinez and Carlos / Marcello (PH-43). Aileen Frasier (723) bailed from the board when the heat started to get turned up on them by concerned owners - she is also culpable of either incomprehensible ignorance, theft. or gross negligence.

Aileen has been abusing her power on the board for way too long. I urge the board of directors to look into her private kayak room for her and her friends, while other unfortunate residents were forced to place their kayaks in empty parking spaces or anywhere else they can find. Alieen and her husband have a 1-1/2 year ongoing violation of our boat dock policy by not providing a boat for their reserved dock space for more than 60 days. They have not had a boat for over 1 ½ years – thereby denying the 30 other people who have been on the waiting list for a dock space, some for many years. The rules were written to prevent owners from locking-up dock spaces like they have done. Enough of the special treatment!

Mark Saracino does not live in the building; he inherited his properties from his father. I hope the new board looks into this and stops his abuse and the entitlements he gave himself while on the board. He has not paid the required $500 tenant deposit to the SBC even though he has both units rented. Other landlords are forced to pay this deposit – why does Mark not pay?

He also has his fathers boat at our dock, while he resides elsewhere, in apparent violation of our SBC dock lease – unless the previous board amended the longstanding requirement that the dock spaces are reserved for “in-house residents” to use and not by absent landlords. Lets stop these abuses of our rules and regulations by those who are in the position to enrich themselves, at our expense.

I will soon post some disturbing documents that I have uncovered about the massive unwarranted special assessment project that these individuals were trying to impose on YOU and ME. I write this blog because I am absolutely outraged about what I have found.

Please distribute this to any other concerned resident you know from the South Bay Club.

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