Special Thanks go out to the resident who's video is posted above. I hope more people begin to speak-out. Send your comments or video to southbayclub@gmail.com and I will post it to this blog.
Please embed this video to your own blog or website (embed link included within video), or forward a link to this blog to other SBC owners who would like to understand some of the events that have driven us into this mess, and the people who seem to be involved in undermining the building.
I would like to change the tone of this blog and write about the more positive things that are being done around the building, the progress that has been made and plans for the future – but that can wait for another time. First, I must address the video that has been circulating the building, by a fearless resident (posted above).
I want to commend this owner for having the courage of putting a real name on his message to the community. Everyone else uses a fake name, either to make earonious and slanderous statements such as Carlos Vicaria, who uses the "Larry Beacon-2" account, and other residents who mask their identities to protect themselves from retribution. This portrayal of events that have occurred in recent years is absolutely 100% correct. I have actually written about most of these things myself in the past (see old blog postings).
The people who have been the most actively involved with imposing this $8,000,000 special assessment, and who have caused us to be stuck in a new multi-million dollar construction project are below:
Mark Saracino is the one who started this whole catastrophe. He encouraged his friends and co-conspirators on the penthouse level, and elsewhere in the building, to be part of his scam to bilk the SBC out of special assessment work and kickbacks, for projects that they would demand needed to be included within the scope of the 40-year recertification – while collecting free impact resistant windows for themselves and the rest of the penthouse owners. He either convinced them to be part of his scam or they just believed his spin on how we should re-develop the SBC. Mark inherited his property from his father. He is a shoe salesman and has no sophistication in construction or much of anything else. He does not live in the building, although he keeps his boat at our boat dock illegally by stating that his girlfriend lives in the apartment with him. Mark lives in Coconut Grove with his boyfriend – many people around the building know this to be a fact. A board member from last years board of directors was dating the “tenant” that mark claimed was his girlfriend. This is just one of many frauds and scams Mr. Saracino had perpetrated against the SBC. He also refuses to pay the required $500 tenant fee and he is in violation of having a boat at our boat dock while not residing at our property. We have 33 residents who are currently on the waiting list for a boat slip and some individuals are flaunting our condo rules for their own selfish endeavors.
Mark Saracino has been pushing vigorously for new penthouse windows and expensive, unneeded building repairs. Mark hired our previous building maintenance manager who happened to also be his boat captain. They conspired together to steal from the SBC. Richard said that he was not hired to fix anything but only to get bids from other contractors. All of those “other” contractors seemed to be his friends or people he had relationships with. They never got the required 3 bid minimums that are required by our condo docs. Richard also was found breaking into residents’ apartments with the keys that residents left in the office, and using their kitchens to cook meals while they were away, and who knows what else – Mark Saracino, Carlos Vicaria and Eileen Frasier were all friends of his and refused to fire him. I might go into all of the sabotage that they were responsible for, but that will keep dragging the tone of this post down – and I would really like to lighten it up, soon.
Carlos Vicaria was the board president last year. He put himself on the board when there was an opening – he was never voted onto the board by our association members, and he is actually not even legally allowed to live in our building. He has been the attack dog and front man for Mark Saracino, along with his live-in boyfriend Marcelo Caturla (who is a flight attendant with AA). You will notice these names from an ealier posting about his arrests for theft and multiple sex crimes. Mr. Vicaria was arrested in 2001 for Lewd and lascivious battery and indecent exposure. There are many lurid rumors about what he did but the fact remains that he was arrested for these sex crimes, he paid a fine for committing these crimes, he entered a plea bargain with the state to allow him to reduce his felony charge to a lesser charge, which at that time, allowed him to not be required to be registered in the sexual offenders database. The laws have since been tightened and he would currently only be allowed to live under the Julia Tuttle Bridge if he committed those same crimes today, but because of his legal and illegal maneuvering, we are stuck with him misdirecting our finances and who knows what else he is doing behind closed doors - while perched above our pool deck.
Additionally, and as part of his punishment, Carlos was required to go through a Sexual Offenders Rehabilitation Program. He then snuck into our building, knowing that he was surpassing the legal requirements at the SBC that all residents pay a fee, and get a criminal background check done – primarily so we don’t have pedophiles living amongst us. I hope the community takes this matter as seriously as it is. Mr. Vicaria works at ABC channel 10 news and he is responsible for giving tours of the studio to elementary age school children and other groups of kids. Hello people - this is a sex offender!
Carlos Vicaria has been pushing vigorously for his new penthouse windows and expensive, unneeded building repairs – he lives in PH-43.
Lori Rand likes to think of herself as a real estate aficionado, but the sad reality is that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing when she leveraged the purchase of a few properties, at the very hight of the real estate bubble. She paid the highest per sq. ft. price ever paid at the SBC, and only got a street view. Her apartment was dated and needed a lot of repairs, including the repair of her improperly installed windows (now she wants new, free windows from your pocket).
Her value has dropped by about 70% of what she paid for it. She has bankrupted the few other properties she has invested in with her friends in homestead as well as help bankrupt those who invested with her.
Ask her to show her credit report and proof of her real estate prowess – she is a verifiable liar and cheat. This can be proven if she wants to debate the issue.
Lori Rand has been pushing vigorously for her new penthouse windows and expensive, unneeded building repairs – she lives in PH-34.
Christine Florez also seems to be a front person for Mark Saracino. She’s not too bright and has probably been fooled into believing the lies these penthouse group members have given her about the so-called “needed” building repairs. I don’t think she is as corrupt as the others – just uneducated and uninformed about anything practical. She has been one of the loudest obstacles in getting any of the current boards projects complete (including replanting the “green carpet” planter area, that she tried to stop). She is one of the reasons that the streaming web meetings are needed, so everyone can see how these people disrupt the meetings while trying to keep the building under constant construction, and more and more assessments. She has been the main person who has been lobbying around the building to stop the improvements and webcasts. This feature costs almost nothing to implement – we just need a few inexpensive upgrades to our wifi network so we have a more powerful free internet connection around the lobby and pool deck (and to some lucky apartment owners who are in range for the free wifi). Why would she be such a vocal opponent of something that is obviously so beneficial to the community – so the “group” can keep everyone in the dark – like they did last year when they told the manager to NOT produce the meting minutes that the owners were clamoring for during the assessments.
Christine Florez has been pushing vigorously for new penthouse windows and expensive, unneeded building repairs – her apartment is not known, but she lives with her mother - and she also has a criminal background of arrests, such as assault - what a nice group of people these are. She now claims to be a "changed" person.
Robert Macky has been getting clean in Miami for the last several years, while trying to sober-up from a severe addiction to cocaine and other drugs. He is living in his parents apartment with no job and few prospects for future employment. He is a young kid who applied for the board position as a joke, and was surprised when he actually got enough votes to win – no surprise, his mother-in-law is Liz from the front desk. She lobbied very hard for him to get the required votes. Many of you owners have been contacted by her regarding her push for her son-in laws friends to re-acquire board positions that they were removed from last year. Mr. Macky resigned from the board this year after it had been proven that he was stealing supplies from our building and using them on other illegal construction handyman jobs he was doing around the beach and within our building. Liz played interference while he was ransacking all of our storage rooms. He was the only person in the entire building, at one point, who had the key to every lock.
It is also widely known that Mr. Mackey is in a sham marriage so he can acquire his green card and citizenship, through an illegal marriage. He is currently being investigated in Florida and New York for submitting fraudulent marriage documents and there is also a current criminal investigation against him for New York Welfare fraud, where he was illegally collecting unemployment and other government subsidized hand-outs for indigent and needy New Yorkers. Mr. Mackey used his mother-in-law as a tool to help him steal from the SBC and also “get even” with co-workers who she had issues with. Ask any of our staff about the harassment they received from Robert Mackey and Liz, when they were in control. He has now been circulating fraudulent information around the building in blue folders that he is sneaking under peoples doors in the middle of the night – to try to manipulate the elections – again.
Robert - you have stolen enough from the SBC and caused too much havoc in our building.
Please just go away.
This is your motley crue of board "has-beens" and "wan-a-bees". Hopefully the new 2011 board remains on task and does not get sidetracked by these few greedy, stupid and corrupt people.
There are other co-conspirators but they have mainly gone away – or are laying in wait. I will expose the impediments any of these people cause our communities progress, going forward.